There is, of course, the obvious direction that this prompt could
take me in writing about inclusion and Jewish special needs education.
But I think that #BlogElul is a little bit about pushing our
boundaries; a challenge to reach beyond the obvious, to dig a little deeper and
to hopefully stumble upon the potential for significant and meaningful
reflection. So I would like to share a
personal story.
This week (and next) I have the good fortune to be serving
on the faculty at URJ Camp Harlam. It is an opportunity unlike any other in my
professional and personal life. It is challenging and it is rewarding.It is both exhausting and exhilarating.I love that I have this chance to build
relationships with campers and staff, and I relish the possibility that I may
impact, in some way, their Jewish lives.I am honored to accept this responsibility.
And when I am at camp, I do things that I never do anywhere
else. Here’s the perfect example: I am
not artistic.Art actually makes me
fairly uncomfortable.I am creative, but
I am absolutely not crafty.I shy away
from things that require drawing or other artistic skills.And I accept this about myself.Except at camp.Camp is the place to break out of my comfort
zone. We expect this of our campers, we
even actively encourage it.So why
should it be any different for me?I
love camp and I am proud to both support and promote camp. But to do those things well, I need to live
camp.Really live camp.And so, while at camp, I find myself gravitating
to omanut (the art shack) where I have made candles, a drawstring
backpack, a hand-crafted yad (Torah pointer), numerous tie dyes, a mosaic and
have even done Shrinky Dinks!
Thank you, Camp Harlam, for giving me the same gift that you
give to every other person who passes through your gates.Thank you for accepting me for who I am while
giving me the courage to grow, explore and reach past my own perceived
And in this we can find our lesson of inclusion. For what we need give to our students, our
congregants, our friends and our family members with disabilities is this same
gift.We must accept each of them for
who they are while giving them the courage to grow, explore and reach beyond their
own perceived limitations.It is
possible.If you need a model, just come
to camp.
Don't miss a post from Removing the Stumbling Block:
acceptartBlogElulCamp HarlameducationinclusionJewish campJewish special needs
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