Introducing #JDAMblogs – Blogging About Jewish Disability Awareness Month 2014

February 1, 2014 will mark the beginning of the sixth annual Jewish Disability Awareness Month. JDAM is designed to be a unified initiative to raise disability awareness and support efforts to foster inclusion in Jewish communities worldwide.

Since taking the leap into the world of blogging a little over one year ago, I have been sharing stories and strategies as a way to bring more attention to the value of inclusion in Jewish life.

This year, one of my JDAM contributions will be to embark on a bit of a project. Inspired by Rabbi Phyllis Sommer, the creator of #BlogElul, I will share a daily blog post throughout the month of February to help bring awareness to the significant value of including Jews with disabilities in all aspects of Jewish life. I may write a “how-to” or share a success story, I will probably discuss an experience or two as they unfold, and I might reflect on a struggle or a goal not yet met. I may even introduce a guest post or two. And I would love for you to join me.  

Here’s how:  Tag each blog post you write with #JDAMblogs. Visit my blog again on February 1 where I will include an opportunity for you to link up your blog and share your posts with others. Tweet me and tag me on Facebook so that I can promote as many of these posts as possible. 

There are no prompts and no rules. You can blog daily, but it’s not required. You can write, draw and share photos or even video.  You don’t have to be an inclusion expert or a Jewish Educator or even a Jewish professional to contribute. In fact, I hope that parents, loved ones and self-advocates will participate. You don’t even have to be Jewish! EVERY voice matters. Isn’t that the point, after all?  All you really need is a desire to contribute in some way. Blog once, or blog every day.  Tweet. Share a Facebook status. Share your voice.

Together we can make the Jewish Disability Awareness Month tagline a reality: From Awareness to Inclusion!


  1. As a disabled person who does not think of myself as being disabled, I think nothing of using my wheelchair when I need it. The common myth that once a person gets into a chair they will never get out of it. BALONEY! There are days when I need it and days that I don't. I kid about my chair, telling people that I just have FDGB Syndrome... fall down, go BOOM!
    Nearly 20 years ago I had a massive hemorrhagic stroke from which I was told that I would never walk, talk, or work again. Uh huh, yeah, whatever you say, doc. Six months later, I returned to my work. But 17 months later a side effect of a drug that was supposed to prevent Grand mal seizures cost me my ability to talk. Since my work required me to be on the phone much of the time, I was forced to retire.
    The bottom line of this is to NEVER listen to the negative things a doctor might tell you. Fight back and let Hashem decide what is true and what isn't.

    1. Thank you, Beverly, for sharing your perspective. I love your message of perseverance!


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