There is an ad for Guinness beer that made the rounds a while back. It’s not your typical splashy display of barely clad women and flashy cars. Rather, a group of men are shown playing a game of wheelchair basketball. At the game’s end, all but one of the men leaves his chair, and together they go out for a beer. Have you seen it?
There is a lot to like about this ad, in my opinion. Of
course there are the overt messages of friendship and depth of
character. But my favorite line is a seemingly throw away one. At the end of
the game, as the men head off the court, the man who always uses a wheelchair
comments, “You guys are getting better at this.” This subtly, but effectively, demonstrates not only the ongoing
nature of their playing together, but that the true athlete in this ad is the man who uses a
wheelchair. His friends have yet to achieve his level of ability. Awesome.

There are obvious lessons for the classroom. Read: Accommodating Isn't the Same as Inclusion. Aiding a student or an athlete to enable
participation might seem reasonable, but it is far more inclusive to re-frame
the whole lesson, activity or game to enable everyone’s equal participation.
Be sure you don't miss a post from Removing the Stumbling Block:
Be sure you don't miss a post from Removing the Stumbling Block:
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