We are a success-focused society. We strive to do more, earn more, BE more than those who came before us.
is nothing wrong with being driven to find success, especially when it
motivates us in positive ways. But what happens when we get out of balance?
What happens when what we are striving for is impractical or even unattainable?
More importantly, how will we know the difference?
a challenge, to be sure. But what challenges
us most is finding the appropriate definition of success.

zealously pursue success is about crafting mindful, appropriate and meaningful
goals. It is about the drive to work hard and reach those goals, celebrating the achievement. Things begin to get
blurry when we are unable to celebrate our successes because we’re either too busy
moving on to the next goal, or because we undermine ourselves as we decide these
successes aren’t good enough.
need to remember that the journey can often be worth more than the destination.
It’s a great catch phrase, one that’s frequently tossed around, but if we use it, we need to genuinely
practice what we preach.
zealously pursue success is to be willing to slow down and appreciate the
journey. It’s the ability to recognize the milestones and celebrate them. It’s
understanding that not all goals will be met, and it’s letting ourselves be “ok”
with that.
zealously pursue success is understanding that it’s just as meaningful to reflect
and reframe the goals as it is to push through.
zealously pursue success is to look back at where you’ve been and look forward with optimism and joy.
It’s no coincidence that this series comes to a close days before we welcome the Jewish New Year. I hope that you have found The ABC’s of Inclusion series helpful, motivating and that it inspires you to work toward increased inclusion in your own community. I’d love for you to share the ways that this series has inspired or helped you in the comments below.
In case you missed it, The ABC's of Inclusion begins here.
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